An Open Relationship
我想我應該把這個解釋記錄下來 ~ 難得有人這麼認真地回答我這個問題, 雖然我知道這可能有點著作權的問題 ....
Probably I haven't been in a relationship for too long so I don't know why people want to escape from their partners and look for sex with other people. There must be a very good reason, because there are really too many of them out there. At the same time, I hope someday they can understand that single guys like me also want to have some opportunities to meet other single guys so I can be like them to step into a relationship. They have already got partners. Why don't they leave others to us, but want to take more and more ?
Well, I don't think it's quite that simple...People usually open-up their relationships after awhile because parts of the relationship work, and parts of it don't...This can be for many reasons, but usually one partner is more sexually-active and one isn't as interested in sex anymore, and I think the nice thing about being gay is that we don't have to imitate straight relationships, but can have any kind of relationship we want...Some guys have two husbands, others have committed, monogamous relationships, while others feature a couple who play together, apart, and have multiple sex partners...We have the freedom to have whatever type of relationship works for each individual couple, instead of having to have some 'out of the box' straight relationship facsimile that doesn't even work for all straight couples, let lane gay couples.
I don't think guys in open relationships are 'taking away' any potential mates for single guys, as most partners in open relationships have no interest in breaking-up their partnerships, so if they are playing with single gay men, those single gay men are also still available for dating, but, as you know, not all single gay men even WANT to be in relationships, so again, we each have the opportunity to create whatever type of relationship--or non-relationship--that works for each of us, and we're free to pursue that in traditional or non-traditional ways, which I think is the beauty of being gay...We can be ourselves, whatever that means for each of us, and we don't have to live our lives in a 'formulaic' way...
[CNN] Obama says he supports same-sex marriage
This is absolutely the moment that I want to keep down :
We need this 3rd populous country in the world to also agrees that same sex marriage should be legalized, so people at other corners of the world won't be afraid to face this proposition. And I believe, if legalizing same sex marriage in such a large country can also be worked out, we can work it out anywhere.
The responses to Obama's announcement :
Positive so far.
I didn't like Barack Obama too much. Of course this doesn't mean he has made me lean to the Republican side, but it's obvious that Obama didn't do a great job and that makes me hesitant to back his 2nd term performance up. However, as a member in the LGBT community, I would vote for him only for this.
Wondering when this can become discussible in Taiwan ....
We need this 3rd populous country in the world to also agrees that same sex marriage should be legalized, so people at other corners of the world won't be afraid to face this proposition. And I believe, if legalizing same sex marriage in such a large country can also be worked out, we can work it out anywhere.
The responses to Obama's announcement :
Positive so far.
I didn't like Barack Obama too much. Of course this doesn't mean he has made me lean to the Republican side, but it's obvious that Obama didn't do a great job and that makes me hesitant to back his 2nd term performance up. However, as a member in the LGBT community, I would vote for him only for this.
Wondering when this can become discussible in Taiwan ....
This is part of being a man
太讓人驚奇的照片 |
這當然不是我的重點。讓我們跳過這位體重起碼不足 50 公斤的貨。
The more you see, the better person you are.
今天的這段對話一開始真是嚇壞了我:這位擁有歷史學位的準碩士生居然用「邪惡」這樣的字眼形容伊斯蘭宗教。我提醒他,伊斯蘭教是一個擁有 20 億信眾、而且已經存在將近 1400 年的宗教;這樣受歡迎的宗教如果「邪惡」,本身就會是很沒有道理的一件事。顯然他不接受這個立場。他告訴我,他知道地球上有一群和他很不一樣的人選擇了這個宗教,而他很為他們的選擇感到無奈。這段對話馬上停止了,因為我不想透過網路談這種事,於是把話題轉到了食物上 - 一個胖子永遠會感到開心的主題。
知道這樣的案例,我基本上還算開心。我終於有機會真正認識對伊斯蘭教不具好感、卻很可能說不出太好的理由的基督教徒。這件事在歷史上已經發生了 1400 年,但進入 21 世紀仍然在發生在第一世界,卻是歷史上的一件奇蹟。我感受到了很強的難度,一方面是我面對的是熟知歷史的高手,另一方面是我必須使用英文。但是我想挑戰一次,看看我能不能漸漸地改變這個人,為伊斯蘭教出點力。機會不會發生得太早,這位局中人住在聖地牙哥,開車要 8 個小時才能到 ... 天知道什麼時候見得到面;但是我很樂於把這位網友放在我的造訪名單上,做好我的功課,然後跟他正式開講。
理由好簡單的。他真的還挺優的 ....
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